目前分類:Development Tips (9)

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這是今天在 EnvyLab 看到的一篇文章所提到的新 starup Mad Mini

一般傳統寄信的做法通常是靠 ActionMailler 去寄。不過 ActionMailer 本身有相當多的問題,大量使用會有維護上的困難。

這篇文章的建議是使用 Mad Mini API 取代掉 deliver method ,而不自己 maintain server 的做法....

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Rails plugin and log parser to help narrow down the source(s) of increased memory usage in rails applications.

Oink adds memory and active record instantiation information to rails log during runtime and provides an executable to help digest the enhanced logs.

Given a minimum threshold and a metric (memory or active record instantiation), the oink executable reports:

1. The top ten single requests which exceeded the threshold for the metric, ordered by the request which exceeded the threshold the most
2. The number of times each action exceeded the threshold for the metric, ordered by the action which exceeded the threshold the most
3. (in verbose mode) The log lines produced by requests which exceeded the threshold

協助降低 Rails Application 降低記憶體用量的 plugin

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因為 rmagick 在 MacOS 下實在太難裝了。於是有人寫了一支 script 來處理這種惱人的事。


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Matt Jankowski provided a great article on properly indexing your database for your Rails application. He covers indexing validation and STI columns, state columns for state machines, association columns, and more.

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Rails Undergroud 上的投影片。會收這篇主要是因為教導了如何在翻譯檔裡下條件式判斷...

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這是 RubyKaigi 2009 上的演講,是一份指導寫出高品質的 Ruby on Rails 的投影片。對新手很有幫助。


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解法是 unpack armailer 放在 vendor/plugin 下。

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裝好 apache 之後,要打開幾個 module。

a2enmod proxy

a2enmod proxy_http

a2enmod proxy_balancer


proxy.conf 要把 Deny from all 關掉,改成 Allow from。不然會 403 Forbidden。


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這個問題踩到兩三次了,主要是 ARMailer 現在沒有在更新,加上 Ruby 1.8.7 的問題多多。

跑 ar_sendmail 會爆掉,因為 argument 數量不對。

解法是把 ar_mailer unpack,然後把 action_mailer_optional_tls 的檔案 patch 過去。

copy /action_mailer_optional_tls/lib/smtp_tls.rb over /ar_mailer-1.3.1/lib/smtp_tls.rb.

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